Swindon Welcomes Ukraine Fortnightly Hosts Meeting
Are you a host living in the SN Postcode area?
Come along to our informal fortnightly host evenings to meet and chat with other hosts. Find out what’s going on in your area. Share your positive hosting experiences and ideas to help other hosts. Maybe volunteer to help at a future event and share with your family and friends.
Are you thinking of becoming a host?
You are welcome to come along and meet existing hosts, some of the Ukrainian guests and the Swindon Borough Council Warm Welcome team. Find out more about; the benefits of hosting, if it's for you, how to go about it and the support available.
Can’t host but would like to help?
If you can't host, then there are other ways in which you can help;
make a donation to help support the group's work
Not available this Tuesday?
That’s ok, our host meet ups take place every fortnight, so come and find us on the next one.
Here are the up coming dates in 2023:
May: 9th and 23rd
June: 6th and 20th
July: 4th and 18th
August: 1st
Sept: 5th and 19th
If you’d like to talk to someone about hosting but can’t make Tuesday evenings then get in touch via email. One of the Swindon Welcomes Ukraine hosts would be happy to contact you.