Hosting - options after 6/12 months
Homes For Ukraine - options after 6/12 months hosting
This page is for Swindon Residents hosting a Ukrainian family via the Homes For Ukraine Scheme.
Below is a useful guide on options to consider from; continuing with the hosting, through to how to exit the scheme.
Approaching 6 months
Good communication throughout is essential for a successful partnership. At about 4 months there should be a discussion between the hosts and their Ukrainian family to understand what will happen at the end of 6 months.
The options are:
1. Host agrees to continue hosting
ACTION: Email the Warm Welcome team at Swindon Borough Council. Thank you payment of £350 continues through to 12 months.
2. Host agrees to continue hosting but may wish to request a financial contribution towards bills from their guests. This is a good option as it will be much cheaper than private renting. How much you ask for will depend on how many guests you have and their situation. A £25 contribution per week per adult towards utilities and maintenance is common. If you provide food and household provisions you may wish to charge more.
ACTION: Agree a monthly contribution and when/how this will be paid. The Warm Welcome team may be able to provide guidance or assistance with this option.
3. Host confirms that they will no longer provide hosting
ACTION: Email the Warm Welcome team at Swindon Borough Council to confirm that hosting will end and the approx. date. Please do this about the 4 month mark. This allows for time for SBC to try and re-host the family under the scheme or explore alternate accomodation.
ACTION: Ukrainian family must now explore alternative living accommodation (see further details below).
Approaching 12 months
As above, we highly recommend that there is a discussion between hosts and their Ukrainian family well before the end of the 12 months to allow plenty of time for action.
The options to explore are:
1. Host agrees to continue hosting
ACTION: Email the Warm Welcome team at Swindon Borough Council (SBC). Thank you payment is increased to £500 for the second year. If you are not already doing so, you may wish to consider requesting a financial contribution to help with bills and maintenance.
2. Host decides to host under the Rent a Room Scheme. Homes for Ukraine scheme ends and the host charges a rent for their room(s) to include utility bills. No payments are made to the host from the council.
ACTION: Details on the Rent a Room scheme. Advise SBC of the arrangement.
3. Host confirms that they will no longer provide hosting
ACTION: Email the Warm Welcome team at Swindon Borough Council that hosting will end and the approximate. date. Current options are that the family can be hosted by another sponsor or look for private accommodation as below. SBC Warm Welcome Team are happy to help.
ACTION: You can find information to help your Ukrainian family find a home on our Finding New Accommodation page.
Can’t find the information you need? Try posting a question to other Swindon Hosts on the SN (Postcode) Welcomes Ukraine Facebook page.
Did we miss something? Please get in touch if you have suggestions for this page to help future hosts.