Offers and Discounts
Below are the latest offers available to Ukrainians living in Swindon. Many thanks to the wonderful businesses for these great offers.
Also check out our Events page for discounts on local events.
Fancy exploring more of Swindon and the surrounding area by bike? Join a FREE guided bike ride led by local British Cycling volunteers!
What’s on Offer?
There's a range of rides suitable for all ages and abilities.
Short, social, traffic-free rides to help others gain confidence and experience the joy of cycling.
Where can I find out more?
Visit the Let’s Ride Swindon Facebook page
How do I book?
Go to the Lets Ride website search for a Ride/Route/Buddy/Group in Swindon.
Come and have a go on a bike in a safe, traffic free, flat place. Pick up a local cycling map and find out more about cycling in Swindon.
Swindon Borough Council ‘Live Well Swindon’ team are running:
FREE Cycling’ session for refugees their families and host families at the County Ground Athletics Track.
Where is the cycling track?
County Ground Athletics Track
Foundation park
County Ground Lane
Swindon SN1 2FD
When are the next sessions?
Friday 10th June 1-2pm
Friday 1st July 1-2pm
How do I book a FREE session?
Call: 01793 465513
Text: 07881 281797
Email: Livewell@Swindon.gov.uk
Lexi Ferribly Academy of Dance opened in 2019.
What’s on offer?
FREE dance classes for children available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Where are the classes held?
Grange Drive Leisure Centre
Find out more:
Lexi Ferribly Academy of Dance Facebook Page
How do I book?
Email: lexi.ferriby@outlook.com
English Heritage is a charity that manages over 400 historic monuments, buildings and places. These include prehistoric sites, medieval castles, Roman forts and country houses.
They are offering all refugees
FREE entry to all of its sites.
No pre-booking is required.
Simply tell the staff on arrival to gain free admission.
Find an English Heritage site near you to visit
Is your host a National Trust member? If so, claim a FREE 6 months pass.
What’s on Offer?
FREE 6 months National Trust pass to access any of the Uk properties and parks.
Where are properties and parks?
Visit the National Trust website
How do I claim a FREE pass?
Swindon hosts can call 0344 8001895 and request a free pass for each Ukrainian guest.
Better – GLL the leading not-for-profit leisure provider, has been awarded long-term leases for six leisure facilities in Swindon:
- Croft Sports Centre
- Delta Tennis Centre
- Dorcan Better Health Complex
- Haydon Centre and Gym
- Health Hydro
- Link Centre Ice Rink
What’s on offer?
GLL are offering a FREE 3 month membership scheme open to all Ukrainian refugees and other refugees who have sought asylum in the UK.
• This scheme will run at all GLL leisure Centre’s.
• The scheme offers free Better Health Centre membership or lesson and course (if available) membership for a fixed 3 month period from join date.
• The scheme is open to the refugees only (supporting UK family members are not eligible) and specifically in terms of status:
Ukrainian residents who were living in the Ukraine prior to January 2022
Other international refugees granted refugee/asylum status by the UK Government
Find out more - Swindon Leisure Centres
How do I apply?
Access to the scheme will be administered centrally via email direct to the customer service team at.
The applicant or sponsor will need to supply the relevant personal details in the email plus attach proof of eligibility:
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Phone Number
Selected Leisure Centre – see list of centres
Their selected lesson or course, date/time/level (if this is being requested)
Some refugees might have difficulty applying, language difficulties or other barriers so the following people can apply for them on their behalf:
The individual (adult or child)
UK Family host supporting Ukraine refugees under the Governments UK Family Scheme
Charitable support agencies such as Red Cross or Refugee Council
Our own in-centre operational staff when dealing face to face with a vulnerable group to support their application.
What proof do I need to send with the application email?
The application email will also need to contain proof of eligibility for this scheme, we are accepting:
Home Office letter
Ukrainian Family Scheme Visa
Proof of official application to UK Government as Ukrainian refugee
How long before I receive my membership?
We will write back to the contact email confirming their membership is live and next steps to start using the centre within 3 working days.
What’s on offer?
FREE 3 month membership.
Where is Simply Gym?
There are two Simply Gyms
Swindon West
How do I book?
Call: 01793 612525
There is a small selection of adult & children’s books in Ukrainian available at the Swindon Central Library (town centre). More Ukrainian books have been ordered and will be added soon.
Do you have an offer for Swindon Welcomes Ukraine hosts and Guests? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch